vestique giveaway

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Today I am UBER-DOOBER-EXCEPTIONALLY excited.  No seriously.  I'm like really, really excited.  Eeeeeeeeeeeeeek!  (that was me squealing like a high school valley girl)  I'm not only hosting my first official giveaway, but I'm also featuring one of my favorite boutiques and two of my sweetest friends.  

(Enter cutest boutique owners EVER)

via Julie Livingston Photography

Friends, meet Morgan and Caroline.  Morgan and Caroline, meet my friends.  Now that we are finished with introductions, let me tell ya'll a little bit about these fashionable ladies!  These two are best friends with a passion for life, loved ones and FASHION.  They pursued their dreams a few years after graduating from NC State (go pack!) and created Vestique.  With what once started as an online shopping experience only, has now expanded and become one of the most chic boutiques in both the Raleigh and Charlotte areas.  Morgan and Caroline have an impeccable eye for trends, budget and pieces that look good on a variety of women.  Not only can I find a date night dress for Friday night, but my mom can also find a to-die-for top for book club.  
Yes ladies.  They are that good.  

via Julie Livingston photography

But enough about the cute clothes and great prices for now.  Those will speak for themselves once you check out their shop (and probably try to restrain yourself from buying everything on the site!).  What I love most about Vestique is the personal experience I receive whether shopping online or in-person.  I don't live in Charlotte or Raleigh so most of my purchasing is done via the World Wide Web and the customer service with Vestique is something to brag about.  Not only do they take the time to write personalized notes in their packages, they are dedicated to customer satisfaction.  Their flexibility and real understanding of today's woman is awe-inspiring.  

I really cannot speak highly enough about Vestique.  It is the pride and joy of these two beauties and it shows from the carefully bought clothing to the way they treat their customers.  And because they are THAT amazing?  They are GIVING AWAY A NECKLACE!!  And just WAIT til you see their selection!

tiny sneak peak

Each reader can enter up to 6 times!


(please leave a separate comment for each entry you do)

1. Be a follower of Gratefully Inspired  
2. Follow Vestique's blog  
3. Follow Vestique on Twitter   
4. Like Vestique on Facebook 
5. Follow Gratefully Inspired on Twitter 
6. Like Gratefully Inspired on Facebook 

(And don't forget to comment for each entry!  For example, do you follow Vestique on Twitter?  Leave a comment below by clicking comments and say "I follow Vestique on Twitter!"  Separate comments for each entry!)


Unknown said...

Totally agree with all you said about Veatique! Always so exciting to see what new fashions they have almost everyday!! Such a great place!!!

Unknown said...

Excuse the typo! Love Vestique!!

elizbaker1031 said...

I follow your blog.

elizbaker1031 said...

I follow Vestique's blog.

elizbaker1031 said...

I follow Vestique on Twitter.

elizbaker1031 said...

I like Vestique on Facebook!

elizbaker1031 said...

I follow Gratefully Inspired on Twitter.

elizbaker1031 said...

I like Gratefully Inspired on Facebook!

Unknown said...

I follow gratefully inspired on facebook!

Unknown said...

I follow Vestique on FB!

Anonymous said...

I like vestique on Facebook!

Lindsay said...

I became a follower of Gratefully Inspired!

Lindsay said...

I became a follower of Vestique's blog!

Lindsay said...

I follow Vestique on Twitter!

Lindsay said...

I like Vestique on Facebook!

Cassie said...

i follow vestique on Twitter

Cassie said...

I like Vestique on Facebook

Jackie said...

i liked vestique on facebook! awesome giveaway denise! :)

Erin Tollison said...

I am now a follower of your blog!

Erin Tollison said...

I am now following Vestique's blog!

Erin Tollison said...

Following Vestique on Twitter!

Erin Tollison said...

I was already a fan of Vestique on facebook!

Erin Tollison said...

Following Gratefully Inspired on Twitter!

Erin Tollison said...

Lastly, I am now a fan of Gratefully Inspired on facebook!

Candace said...

I like vestique on facebook

Candace said...

I follow vestique on Twitter

Candace said...

I like gratefully inspired on facebook

Candace said...

Already following Vestique's blog!

Candace said...

I am now a follower of YOUR blog gratefully inspired!

Candace said...

I follow YOU on twitter, gratefully inspired!

Stephanie said...

I am now a follower of Gratefully Inspired!

Stephanie said...

I am now following Vestique on Twitter!

Stephanie said...

I have already liked Vestique on Facebook

Stephanie said...

I now follow Gratefully Inspired on Twitter!

Stephanie said...

And now, I am a fan of Gratefully Inspired on Facebook !

Terri said...

I LOVE vestique. They always have such great pieces. I follow you on BlogLovin:)

Terri said...

I follow you on twitter too!

Terri said...

I follow Vestique's blog :)

Terri said...

I follow vestique on twitter

Terri said...

I like vestique on facebook

Terri said...

I like Gracefully Inspired on Facebook..and in real life!

Anonymous said...

following of Gratefully Inspired

Anonymous said...

Following Vestique's blog via Bloglovin'!

Anonymous said...

Following Vestique on Twitter

Anonymous said...

Liked Vestique on Facebook

Anonymous said...

Following Gratefully Inspired on Twitter

Anonymous said...

Liked Gratefully Inspired on Facebook

Haley Wishall said...

Absolutely LOVE Vestique! I'm a student at UNC and live in Chapel Hill so they are right down the road from me..and I love it!

Now following your blog! xo

Haley Wishall said...

And following Vestique's blog..

Haley Wishall said...

Following Vestique on twitter..

Haley Wishall said...

Following you on twitter..

Haley Wishall said...

Like Vestique on facebook..

Haley Wishall said...

And like Gratefully Inspired on facebook! :)

Genna said...

I follow Gratefully Inspired (GFC)

Genna said...

I follow Gratefully Inspired on Twitter.

Genna said...

I liked Gratefully Inspired on Facebook.

Genna said...

I follow Vestique on Twitter!

Genna said...

I liked Vestique on Facebook.

Unknown said...

I've liked & followed!!! Love it!!

Unknown said...

I've liked & followed!!!

Unknown said...

I've liked & followed!!

Unknown said...

I've liked and followed!!!

Unknown said...

Love it all!!!

Sheila@TheFailteHouse said...

this look like an amazing giveaway :) Crossing my fingers :) I already follow the both of you!

Laura said...

Follow both on Twitter and Facebook as well!

Laura said...

Follow Gratefully Inspired and Vestique blogs now! Love this giveaway...was just at store browsing today! Love their jewelry...but as a fellow teacher...can't have it all!

Karen Bernhardt said...

I follow Vestique's blog!

Karen Bernhardt said...

I follow Vestique on Twitter!

Karen Bernhardt said...

I follow Gratefully Inspired on Twitter :)

Made With Love By The Dutch Lady Designs