Some of you may have noticed that lately my posts have been sparse. There are a few reasons for this notion, some of them being
New job
Process of buying a house
(yay – more deats on that one to come)
Family stuff
Holiday Season
But those aren’t the only reasons for the silence. Mostly, yes, I have been so busy lately with life and as I’ve said on here before, this blog will never be a to-do or an obligation. But my thoughts have been consumed with other stuff as of late. That thing that happened last Friday at Sandy Hook Elementary School. One week ago today. I still can’t shake it, as I’m sure most of you can’t either. The unimaginable. Completely inhuman. I’ve been filled with disgust, anger, even hatred over the last week, but mostly utter despair. Total sadness and brokenness for the families that lost a piece of their heart. The community that asks why. And teachers who hug their babies a little tighter as they sent them off for Christmas break.
I’m not going to try and make sense of any of it because that’s impossible. It is simply senseless. All I can do and have been doing is clinging. Clinging to the one thing that is good and pure – Jesus. He is the only thing in this life that is sure. And I know with my all of my heart and my tear-soaked face that He is holding those babies in Heaven, tighter than ever.
Over the past few days, a lot of my favorite blogs have offered encouragement and ways to help but it was Amanda’s post that spoke so much truth to me. Offered a little more hope. So before I start rambling, I’m just going to ask all of you to click the link below and read my sweet friend Amanda’s post. Her heart is pure and she loves Jesus. The rest of her blog is pretty amazing as well, so stay awhile if you want….

I am in the same boat as you. I can't shake the horrible thoughts of what happened last week...Hopefully you can turn to your family, friends, and of course God to get through this.
Have a good weekend!
Aww thank you so, so much my friend.
I am thankfully finding so much peace in knowing God's will is perfect and how good He truly is, especially compared to such tragic evil. I hope others do too.
I hope you have the most wonderful and merry Christmas!!!
I nominated you for the Liebster Award. You can see it here!
Merry Christmas,
Marquis Clarke
P.S. I love your blog! So cute :)
everything will work it's self out :) God has a way of making it all work out in the end.
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