your mama's 20 week bump |
Georgia Grace
I am so excited to share your name. I know a lot of people keep their baby’s name secret until they arrive, but not one ounce of your mama wanted to do that. Partly because I’m terrible at secrets, but mostly because I am just so excited about your sweet name. There is no doubt in my mind you are a Georgia. Your daddy and I have had you named for awhile too – even before you were conceived. Crazy huh? We’ve thought about you that much and for that long. You’ve already been nicknamed Gigi and you’re not even here yet!
your pop pop, daddy and g-daddy |
But little one I want you know what your name means and why it is so close to my heart. It starts with Georgia. You see those men up there? The best three men I know right there. Their hearts? All pure gold. The middle one is your daddy – and oh how he loves you so already. The other two are you grandfathers – George Harrison Dodson, Jr. and George Anthony Lopatka (Tony). That's Pop Pop and G-Daddy to you missy. They would do anything for your daddy and I and I know they will do the same for you. Those two George’s will hang the moon in your eyes, just like they do mine.
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your dad and your g-daddy way back when |
Your G-Daddy helped shape your daddy into the daddy he will be to you – a kind daddy, a loving daddy and a daddy that takes time to teach you things you need to know. Your G-Daddy will reason with you and show how to make good choices. He’ll take you to get ice cream on a Sunday afternoon, probably at Sahara and he will read and play with you with patience like I’ve never seen. I hear he even does puppet shows!
your mama and your pop pop way back when |
Your Pop Pop is the reason your mama is the way she is today too. And let me tell you, I was (still am) a daddy’s girl. I have a feeling my apple won’t fall far from my tree either. Your Pop Pop will help you solve your problems even when they seem too big to solve. He’ll dance with you around the kitchen (don’t worry he’ll let you stand on his feet) and rock you until you fall asleep no matter how long it takes. He’ll bring you and all of your friends Chick-fil-A at lunch just so he can be involved. He will teach you how to throw a football with joy in his eyes, but lovingly sit through 4 of the same 3-hour dance recitals waiting with flowers.
Georgia – these are great men. Rare men. And every time I think about what they will teach you and show you my heart melts into a big ole’ puddle. So my sweet one you are named Georgia after these men – your G-Daddy and Pop Pop.
And your middle name, Grace – well sweet girl – the Lord has shown your mama so much grace – through pregnancy, through marriage and through my stubborn soul. He has shown me grace when I do not deserve it. When I try to take back “control” and do things “my way”, God always answers with grace. And this is something I hope to always do with you. I pray I will always show you grace and even more, that you will show me grace as well. I’m not perfect and this whole motherhood thing scares me. But with love, forgiveness and grace – sweet grace – I think we can figure it out.
I love you.
Love, mama
PS - You grandfathers and your daddy were all college athletes so you better believe you’ll have some tomboy in you. I just know you will be able to rock a backwards hat with the best of em, and sit through hours of college football in your Demon Deacon best… just like your mama :)