23 week letter to gigi

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Georgia Grace,

Sweet sweet girl, I have loved feeling you kick like crazy these past few weeks.  Makes me smile and laugh every time.  I think we’re gonna laugh a lot around here.  I know you’re gonna laugh at me, because I’m kinda goofy.  But you’ll find that out soon enough.  I spent all weekend with people who love you so much already!  Your grandparents and aunts and uncles are gonna spoil you rotten, just wait.  Most of Saturday, your newest cousin, Griffin, was sleeping or eating in my arms.  That was fun.  He’s tiny just like you will be.  Ya’ll are gonna be 6 months apart and probably in the same grade one day!  I can’t wait to see you together.  I can’t wait to see you with all of your cousins.  You will have to handle four boys.  But I have no doubt that you can hold your own.  And good luck to any future boyfriend of yours.  
He’s got cousins, uncles, granddaddies a daddy and a protective mama to go through first. 

Oh I get so excited when I think about the people you have in your life.  People who will love you, protect you and even teach you.  They will teach you things your mama can’t and for that I am grateful.  But you sit tight little one, you’ve still got some cookin to do.  You’re about a pound (or more) right now and almost to your 6 month mark.  So make yourself cozy and stay for just a few more months.  Judging by your recent karate moves, you’re not the most patient person.  Well neither is mama.  But just wait, mama and daddy are getting your nursery all ready for you, and you need to do some growing still.  

Love you so much my 23 week old nugget.

Love, your mama

your first easter basket.  courtesy of your nanny.


Anonymous said...

Georgia Grace... what a sweet sweet name. =)

Kelly Slater said...

So sweet! You're really starting to show! Aren't those kicks the best?!

Jessica said...

I love that your mom made her an Easter basket!! Holidays are going to be the best when she arrives!! You will get to relieve all that magic!

nicole said...

those shoes, so sweet! ahhh :) love little girl clothing!

La Maman Heureuse said...

love your sweet letter to your baby girl, wish I had done those when I was pregnant, only started afterwards :-)

Little girls are the best and her name is just beautiful!

Congratulations mama!

Made With Love By The Dutch Lady Designs