A now for the rest of our session.... the beach photos! Thank you Furnished Photography!
Maternity Photos part I
Thursday, June 27, 2013
So when I was 33 weeks preggy one of my sweet and talented friends came by to take some maternity photos for us! We started with some casual photos at and even got my little pup to participate. After that we got a little more gussied-up and headed to the beach for sunset. Below are some of my favorites from the casual pictures. Tomorrow I'll post the the beach photos! All courtesy of the talented Katherine Fallis at Furnished Photography.
Fal, thank you for capturing this special time in our family's life. Love you!
35 week letter to baby girl
Tuesday, June 25, 2013
Dear Georgia,
You are 35 weeks miss priss!
And we are in excitement overload over here. Your mama and daddy cannot wait to kiss your
sweet lips! You actually gave us a
little scare on Sunday though. First of
all, you had quite the celebratory day on Saturday – filled with sweet friends,
yummy food and lots and lots of love.
Well I guess it wore you out, and your mama. Because Sunday was spent in bed having some
major Braxton Hicks. It scared me a bit
because I don’t want you to come 5 weeks early. I want you to gain weight and be so
healthy! But I’m not gonna lie baby
girl, a small part of me felt a ting of excitement and maybe even hopefulness that
I could get to meet you early (I told your dad to start packing our bag!). But ultimately you need to do a few more
weeks of cooking. And I will have to be
Oh and your dad? He
doesn’t stand a chance. All day on
Sunday, he tended to your mama’s every need and I love to imagine the day he
looks into your eyes. You will have his
heart from the very first second. Your
daddy will show you a love that only he can.
A serving love and a selfless love.
A protecting love and a love that overflows. He’s a good man Georgia. And I know he’s going to take the best care
of us.
I love you.
Love, mama
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a picture from my shower on saturday! more to come later :) |
** So excited to share my maternity photos later this week **
if i didn't have a baby bump...
Thursday, June 20, 2013
If I didn't have a baby bump this summer I would be purchasing all of these beauties above. A little but of maxi dresses, a little bit of leather and a little bit of lace. All stunning, and all need to be in my closet. Only my growing belly isn't so sure it agrees. So until July 29 (or sooner?) I will be lusting over these lovelies online.
PS - If any of you are lucky enough to snag one, please send me a pic so I can live vicarioulsy through you! K thanks!
PREGGY UPDATE: 32-34 weeks
Monday, June 17, 2013
And now I bring you a preggy update! 32-34
How Far Along: 34 weeks today!
Size of Baby: Georgia is the size of a butternut squash! She is about 17-18 inches long and weighs between 4-5 pounds! What a precious little baby!
Maternity Clothes: Still in them, still love them! I do a long of comfy maxis too.
Stretch Marks: None yet. Still doing my BioOil and
Burt’s Bee’s Tummy Butter.
Sleep: Sleeping is getting harder. Harder to get comfy – harder to get up every 2 hours to use the bathroom – just harder. But still feeling lucky that I am able to get some sleep. And my afternoon workout time has turned in to afternoon naptime. That seems to work much better.
Best Moment of the Week/Past
Month: So many! I love hearing my baby’s heartbeat (which I
get to do again today). Watching her
move in my belly is also amazing.
Movement: She’s still a wiggle worm! Or a break dancer. But she rolls and flips and flops. I love it.
And her little hiccups! Love them
Cravings: Everything. I was talking yesterday with two of my
friends (1 who is also pregnant and 1 who just had a baby) and we were all
discussing our complete obsession with cereal while pregnant. I mean seriously. I’m up to like 3 boxes a week. Yum.
Gender: Still a baby girl :)
Belly Button In or Out: Still in… but wondering if it’s gonna make its
way out soon?
Wedding Ring on or Off: Still on and luckily no swelling in my hands
Anything Making You Queasy or Sick: Being outside in this heat for too long, leaves
me feeling a little nauseas but other than that, not bad!
What I Miss: Still red wine. And Sushi.
That will be my first me post-pregnancy for sure. Any volunteers to bring it to the
hospital? I’m not picky. Two Buck Chuck and Harris Teeter sushi are
fine for me J
What I am Looking Forward to: So so much!
I have a shower this weekend and so many sweet friends will be in
town. I am still so humbled and excited!
Labor Signs: No sir.
Let’s keep it that way for just a couple more weeks.
Nursery: It’s almost finished!! Just need my lamp to come in and some fabric bins for her shelves. Other than that, we are getting close!
Emotions: Still so excited. I really have feelings of wanting to go to
the hospital and have her NOW. I just
want to see what she looks like. See her
little feet. Hold her. Ugh!
My heart almost explodes thinking about it J
find passion
Wednesday, June 12, 2013
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Please forgive my silence this week and lack of posts. This is the first week of our summer camp and honestly when I get home from work the only thing on my mind is my couch and a tub of mint chocolate chip ice cream. As I’ve said before, I will never post just for the sake of posting but I promise to have some good ones for y’all next week!
And this quote above is one that I refer to often so I wanted to share. Passion is something I strive for in everything I do. If you don’t have a passion for something in life, how do you survive? So today, on this Hump Day of the longest week ever, I choose passion. Because frankly running after 22 kindergarteners all day at 8 months pregnant is not always fun. But it is my passion for these kids’ futures that keeps me going… and the fact that I only have 3 more weeks J
Happy Wednesday! And here are some more inspiring words…thank you Pinterest for keeping me going today.
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Follow me on Pinterest to see more of my little inspirations! HERE

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