PREGGY UPDATE: 32-34 weeks

Monday, June 17, 2013

And now I bring you a preggy update! 32-34 Weeks

How Far Along: 34 weeks today!  

Size of Baby: Georgia is the size of a butternut squash!  She is about 17-18 inches long and weighs between 4-5 pounds!  What a precious little baby! 

Maternity Clothes: Still in them, still love them!  I do a long of comfy maxis too.    

Stretch Marks: None yet.  Still doing my BioOil and Burt’s Bee’s Tummy Butter.
Sleep: Sleeping is getting harder.  Harder to get comfy – harder to get up every 2 hours to use the bathroom – just harder.  But still feeling lucky that I am able to get some sleep.  And my afternoon workout time has turned in to afternoon naptime.  That seems to work much better.

Best Moment of the Week/Past Month:  So many!  I love hearing my baby’s heartbeat (which I get to do again today).  Watching her move in my belly is also amazing. 

 Movement:  She’s still a wiggle worm!  Or a break dancer.  But she rolls and flips and flops.  I love it.  And her little hiccups!  Love them too.

Cravings: Everything.  I was talking yesterday with two of my friends (1 who is also pregnant and 1 who just had a baby) and we were all discussing our complete obsession with cereal while pregnant.  I mean seriously.  I’m up to like 3 boxes a week.  Yum.

Gender: Still a baby girl :)

Belly Button In or Out: Still in… but wondering if it’s gonna make its way out soon?

Wedding Ring on or Off: Still on and luckily no swelling in my hands yet!

Anything Making You Queasy or Sick: Being outside in this heat for too long, leaves me feeling a little nauseas but other than that, not bad!

What I Miss: Still red wine.  And Sushi.  That will be my first me post-pregnancy for sure.  Any volunteers to bring it to the hospital?  I’m not picky.  Two Buck Chuck and Harris Teeter sushi are fine for me J 

What I am Looking Forward to: So so much!  I have a shower this weekend and so many sweet friends will be in town.  I am still so humbled and excited!

Labor Signs: No sir.  Let’s keep it that way for just a couple more weeks.  

Nursery: It’s almost finished!!  Just need my lamp to come in and some fabric bins for her shelves.  Other than that, we are getting close!

Emotions:  Still so excited.  I really have feelings of wanting to go to the hospital and have her NOW.  I just want to see what she looks like.  See her little feet.  Hold her.  Ugh!  My heart almost explodes thinking about it J


Anonymous said...

Did you swallow a basketball? (:

Jessica said...

Seriously, you rock the bump! I love all your outfits. Those sandals are awesome. And baby feet are the best. Same with lil baby hands.

Kelly Slater said...

Haha, someone said that to me too.... Did you swallow a basketball?! But, take that as a compliment! You are adorable, and hey, hopefully that means the baby weight will come right off after delivery! I'm jealous your belly button is still an "innie!" It will pop out soon! Can't wait to see your finished nursery, I'm sure it's gorgeous!

Anonymous said...

So close! You're doing good to still be in maternity clothes. I'm almost 30 weeks and graduating out of my cute clothes into yoga pants and one of my hubby's XXL tees. ;)

Genna said...

You are absolutely gorgeous! Little Gigi is going to inherit some serious beauty, in and out! I can't wait to meet her via your blog; she is so loved already :)

Lynzy said...

I can just imagine how excited you are! You are getting SO close!!

Loving your maternity style with your growing bump- you look gorgeous!

PS. finally added you to my blogroll :)

xx Lynzy

Anonymous said...

soooo wonderful!!! look at that perfect belly! ahh these make me happy!!

Diary of a Brown Eyed Girl said...

Ahh you look so so good!

I love your blog!

New follower! Follow me back too??

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